Fairmont Christian School
Kindergarten - 6th Grade
Small class sizes
Instructional day from 8:05 to 3:00
Music, Physical Education, Library, Art, and so much more
Hands on, experience based lessons
Integration of character education
School-wide relationships
Dedicated and caring staff

How do we learn?
No one can teach a child all (s)he needs to learn. Therefore, FCS strives to teach a child how to learn. God has created us as curious beings. Our teachers nurture that natural curiosity by creating opportunities for students to participate in hands-on activities, allowing students to develop critical thinking skills which can be applied in new situations.
Some examples of our active learning have been:
Building models of the Solar System
Safari Animal Hospital
Testing Mars Rovers
Reenacting historical battles
Playing games/activities from other countries
Real world encounters in science and history

What do we teach?
Gospel-centered Bible lessons with a focus on God and His work through Christ
An appreciation of reading through a Christian reading curriculum
A structured phonics and grammar program
How to make oral presentations
Creative writing
Process-oriented math
An immersion science program that explores God’s world
Literature-based history and

Fairmont Christian School desires for children to grow in...
...faith by integrating Biblical truth throughout the day using Scripture, prayer, and praise to God.
...discovery and love of learning by nurturing a sense of curiosity.
...learning through intentional instruction and practice of character traits.